Looking for help to develop your writing project?
Are you polishing your manuscript ready for an approach to an agent or publisher, or finalising it before self-publishing?
Are you a writer of non-fiction, fiction, memoir or family history?
Are you a student writing your Master’s or PhD thesis or a paper for publication in an academic journal?
Do you have a great idea for a book but no idea of how to get started? Or is it half-written but in need of a structural overhaul or some new ideas for moving forward?
With years of experience as an editor, reader and teacher/mentor, I can work with you to develop your project, no matter what stage you have progressed to so far.
I am tactful, sensitive and respectful of the fact that it is YOUR work; but I will be honest with you and give you lots of ideas about how to improve it – after all, that’s what you’re paying for! Sometimes a fresh and objective pair of eyes is all you need.
Are you working in a highly specific or technical subject area? I’m not afraid of this. With experience in areas such as technical, legal and theological publishing, I know how to ask the right questions and blend my expert language skills with your subject expertise for a well-written, well-structured and successful outcome.
Please contact me to discuss your manuscript appraisal and development needs. I would love to work alongside you and help you bring your work to fruition!
“Through Lisa’s deft and skilful editing – both structural and copyediting – the manuscript of my family history was transformed. Her commitment to ensuring that my authorial voice was maintained, coupled with her enthusiasm and encouragement, made working with Lisa on my project a delightful and positive partnership.”
– Marian Guthrie, family historian and writer